I've done some research and believe that the issue is related to having the wrong combination of Visual Studio and Intel Fortran installed together.

Basically, it has adapted to some Windows 10 changes to install new components, the latest version of Unity and other news.I have a piece of code that runs on another computer that I'm trying to compile and run on my computer but whenever I try to build the solution I get an error rc.exe not found. Reviewing the news of each build in Visual Studio 2017 Release Notes, you can see that also publishes updates to the installer. If we see the detail of the steps above we can see that the installer is upgraded from version (0.1) to the new version (0.1) And we can already see the “new installer”… and move on.Īt this time, we can now update VS2017RC with the new installer.(maybe this is because I’m already in Canada) Very politely, the installer asks us a minute while it updates.In you face common developer! Before continuing, we have to update the installer.It starts the download of the new version of VS2017….The installer shows us that we have an update on VS2017Rc Enterprise.

So a search for “installer” and launch the Visual Studio Installer.